Just less then 30 minutes ago I was chatting with a friend on Facebook and she told me that she had been blogging but stopped for a while. Then she suggested that I start a blog about my time here in Germany. I had actually been thinking about starting a blog but is was only a small thought until she mentioned it.
I don't know that anything I have to say will be of interest to anyone. I'm not writing because I want everyone to know and read what I am thinking and feeling. I am writing because maybe my thoughts will have meaning to me. That's what The Quite Noise is: the thoughts inside my head that need and want to get out. Though I may appear to be quiet on the outside, on the inside it is very noisy and I just need to quite the noise so I can sleep at night and so I can be at peace, and so I can know what the Universe has to say to me.
That's all!
What an insightful friend. Goodentag!